Hex 18 - Beregost

Located near the Amnian border on the Coast Way, Beregost is a thriving village visited by many merchants on their way to Baldur’s Gate. It’s under the protection of the Church of Lathander.

Biome: Village. Donkey carts. Friendly chatter. Tiled roofs. Smell of manure.

Return to Map

Travel NW: 12 - Lion’s Way, N: 13 - Coast Way, NE: 14 - Larswood
Travel SW: 17 - High Hedge, S: 23 - Trade Way, SE: 19 - Song of the Morning

Click the button above to generate an encounter.

Encounter Rules

Generate an encounter the first time the party goes to one of this hex’s features and every 12 hours. Encounters can happen on the way to the location or at the destination. If an encounter would happen while the party rests, good survival skills while setting up camp make the encounter happen after the full rest is completed. Search the Baldur’s Gate Wiki for information on named NPC. Do not hesitate to replace any named NPC by one the players have already met from time to time! It makes for a better story.

Feature A - Beregost

Located near the Amnian border on the Coast Way, Beregost is a thriving village visited by many merchants on their way to Baldur’s Gate. It’s under the protection of the Church of Lathander. If a war would happen between Baldur’s Gate and Amn, this town would be the first to suffer. Notable businesses in the village include:

  • Feldepost’s Inn. A dancehall and inn. The rowdiest and busiest in town.
  • The Jovial juggler. An inn, popular among the Flaming Fists.
  • The Burning Wizard. An inn prized by “respectable people” and pickpockets.
  • The Red Sheaf. A tavern of ill repute.
  • Kagain’s Company. A caravan guard company managed by a greed dwarf.
  • Thunderhammer Smithy. The forge of the legendary Taerom Fuiruim. He’ll craft anything for a wee bit more than the competition. Has lethal weapons in stock.

Feature B - Pastures

Travelers who wish not to be seen often cut through the pastures and avoid Beregost altogether. The town’s many sheep all graze on the western edge of town for fear of angering the ghosts of Ulcaster to the east. Beregost is known for its textile and cheese, the Beregost Blue.

Feature C - Travenhurst Manor

The richest man in Beregost, Gerard Travenhurst, has built this manor on the northern edge of the village. He has been speculating on land in the area.