Hex 17 - High Hedge
Talanthir the Conjurer, a powerful mage from Beregost, has erected his abode here, where he trades arcane items to those he deems interesting enough.
Biome: Forest. Autumnal leaves, dead leaves, wet dirt, low fog, faraway ravens.
Return to Map
Travel NW: 16 - Shipwreck’s Coast, N: 12 - Lion’s Way, NE: 18 - Beregost
Travel SW: 21 - Seawatcher, S: 22 - Red Canyons, SE: 23 - Trade Way
Click the button above to generate an encounter.
Encounter Rules
Generate an encounter the first time the party goes to one of this hex’s features and every 12 hours. Encounters can happen on the way to the location or at the destination. If an encounter would happen while the party rests, good survival skills while setting up camp make the encounter happen after the full rest is completed. Search the Baldur’s Gate Wiki for information on named NPC. Do not hesitate to replace any named NPC by one the players have already met from time to time! It makes for a better story.
Feature A - High Hedge Estate
Talanthir the Conjurer’s wizard abode, equipped with a library and a laboratory, and guarded by flesh golems. He will trade goods and knowledge with deserving adventurers.
Feature B - Overgrown Cabin
Judging by the thick layer of dust covering everything inside, this abandoned cabin has seen no usage in a while. The reason is that giant spiders have used it to lure curious humanoids.
Feature C - Flower Meadows
Wildflowers brightly colour these meadows, giving the appearance of being sheltered from the dangerous forest creatures. However, dozens of skeletons lie dormant under the shrubbery, waiting for an unknown trigger to rise again.