Hex 12 - Lion's Way
The Way of the Lion is the name given to the path that leads to Candlekeep from the Coast Way.
Biome: Coastal Forest. Rugged cliffs, vivifying wind, rugged land, autumnal trees.
Return to Map
Travel NW: 11 - Candlekeep, N: 07 - Cloakwood Lodge, NE: 13 - Coast Way
Travel SW: 16 - Shipwreck Coast, S: 17 - High Hedge, SE: 18 - Beregost
Click the button above to generate an encounter.
Encounter Rules
Generate an encounter the first time the party goes to one of this hex’s features and every 12 hours. Encounters can happen on the way to the location or at the destination. If an encounter would happen while the party rests, good survival skills while setting up camp make the encounter happen after the full rest is completed. Search the Baldur’s Gate Wiki for information on named NPC. Do not hesitate to replace any named NPC by one the players have already met from time to time! It makes for a better story.
Feature A - The Way of the Lion
Winding through rugged boulders and windsept trees, the Lion’s Way is used by pilgrims seeking entry to Candlekeep’s Monastery. Upon reaching the coast, it turns into a series of narrow rock bridges that jump from cliff to cliff towards the castle.
Feature B - Old Standing Stones
A long abandoned meeting point for druids at the confluence of ancient leylines. Doing a specific ritual here allows communication through the other standing stones of the Southern Sword Coast, and some even say teleportation. However, this one seems to have been defiled by a gruesome murder ritual. The other standing stones that can be activated are in:
Feature C - Hidden Grotto
This hidden passage is sealed, but leads to the Underdark. It was carved by the mind flayers of Tellectus, who prey on people leaving Candlekeep to steal their knowledge.