Hex 34 - Nashkel
Located near the Amnian border on the Coast Way, Beregost is a thriving village visited by many merchants on their way to Baldur’s Gate. It’s under the protection of the Church of Lathander.
Biome: Village. Donkey carts. Friendly chatter. Thatched roofs. Alpine river. Soldiers barking orders.
Return to Map
Travel NW: 27 - Fisherman’s Lake, N: 28 - Nashkel Pass, NE: 29 - Lonely Peaks
Travel SW: 33 - Xvart Country, S: 39 - Fire Leaf Forest, SE: 35 - Nashkel Green
Click the button above to generate an encounter.
Encounter Rules
Generate an encounter the first time the party goes to one of this hex’s features and every 12 hours. Encounters can happen on the way to the location or at the destination. If an encounter would happen while the party rests, good survival skills while setting up camp make the encounter happen after the full rest is completed. Search the Baldur’s Gate Wiki for information on named NPC. Do not hesitate to replace any named NPC by one the players have already met from time to time! It makes for a better story.
Feature A - Nashkel
The northernmost town in Amn, Nashkel is a small mining town on the northern slopes of the Cloud Peaks. With tensions rising between Amn and Baldur’s Gate over the quality of iron, the town and its mines have found themselves in the middle of an explosive political crisis. Notable businesses in the village include:
- Cloud Peaks Outfitter. An equipment store for mountain travelers run by the halfling Salla Pitontoes.
- Nashkel Store. A fairly standard general store.
- Plashdeep Stables. A horse trader.
- The Belching Dragon. A tavern normally frequented by miners, but taken overs by soldiers.
- The Nashkel Inn. The local inn.
- Icedawn’s House. A shrine to Auril.
- Temple of Helm. A church with a walled cemetery.
Feature B - Nashkel Mill
Nashkel’s windmill is located on top of a little plateau uphill from the town. It offers the best view of the area. For this reason, the Amnian army has recently set up many war machines around it.
Feature C - Amnian Army Camp
The garrison at Nashkel has recently tripled following threats from Baldur’s Gate. A walled camp has thus been erected on an easily defensible hill nearby. For now, the soldiers still sleep in tents, but winter is coming…