Hex 25 - Gullykin

A halfling village on the Southern Edge of the Woods of Sharp Teeth. A pit-stop along the dangerous Uldoon Trail between Nashkel and the Green Fields. Known for its cider and beer, and the many dangerous ruins that surround it.

Biome: Cultivated Barrens. Eerie wind, gnarly apple trees, cracked earth, hardy crops, dried river bed.

Return to Map

Travel NW: 19 - Song of the Morning, N: 20 - Mutamin’s Garden, NE: Green Fields
Travel SW: 24 - Ulcaster’s Ruins, S: 30 - Firewine Bridge, SE: Green Fields

Click the button above to generate an encounter.

Encounter Rules

Generate an encounter the first time the party goes to one of this hex’s features and every 12 hours. Encounters can happen on the way to the location or at the destination. If an encounter would happen while the party rests, good survival skills while setting up camp make the encounter happen after the full rest is completed. Search the Baldur’s Gate Wiki for information on named NPC. Do not hesitate to replace any named NPC by one the players have already met from time to time! It makes for a better story.

Feature A - Gullykin

A halfling village on the Southern Edge of the Woods of Sharp Teeth. A pit-stop along the dangerous Uldoon Trail between Nashkel and the Green Fields. Known for its cider and beer, and the many dangerous ruins that surround it. The chief of the village is the hardy Gandolar Luckyfoot. Notable businesses in the village include a temple of Yondala, goddess of community, and the village’s inn, where information on Durlag’s Tower and Firewine can be bought.

Feature B - Brewery

Set atop a hill near the village and surrounded by dusty orchards, Alvanhendar’s brewery is the only imposing building in the community. It sells bitter cider, hearty mead and is rumored to owe its success to the nearby elven ruins of Firewine.

Feature C - Firewine Canyon

A big river obviously used to course through this now-barren land before wizard meddling diverted it from its course. What’s left of it is a barren canyon with sunbleached pebbles at the bottom. The ideal location for an ambush. Following the river leads to Firewine Bridge to the South.