Hex 24 - Ulcaster's Ruins
The famed wizard school of Ulcaster once stood here before its destruction by a cabal of jealous wizards from Calimshan two centuries ago. Now, its rubbles cling to the dusty cliffs of this sad barren land.
Biome: Barren. Eerie wind, gnarly trees, cracked earth, dried river bed.
Return to Map
Travel NW: 23 - Trade Way, N: 19 - Song of the Morning, NE: 25 - Gullykin
Travel SW: 28 - Nashkel Pass, S: 29 - Lonely Peaks, SE: 30 - Firewine Bridge
Click the button above to generate an encounter.
Encounter Rules
Generate an encounter the first time the party goes to one of this hex’s features and every 12 hours. Encounters can happen on the way to the location or at the destination. If an encounter would happen while the party rests, good survival skills while setting up camp make the encounter happen after the full rest is completed. Search the Baldur’s Gate Wiki for information on named NPC. Do not hesitate to replace any named NPC by one the players have already met from time to time! It makes for a better story.
Feature A - Dried Riverbed
A big river obviously used to course through this now-barren land. What’s left of it is a barren canyon with sunbleached pebbles at the bottom. The ideal location for an ambush. Following the river leads to Firewine Bridge to the East.
Feature B - Ulcaster’s Ruins
Founded by the famous conjurer Ulcaster more than 300 years ago, the famed wizard school attracted students from across the Sword Coast before its destruction by a cabal of jealous wizards from Calimshan. Now, its rubbles cling to the dusty cliffs of this sad barren land. Rumour has it that the ghost of its founder can be seen at night roaming the crumbled corridors of his school.
Feature C - Ulcaster’s Dungeon
A simple trapdoor hidden among the rubbles of Ulcaster’s School of Wizardry leads to the old school’s dungeons. Here, dark arcane secrets are rumoured to exist. Thalantyr of High Hedge might know more about this.