Magical Monsters
- Abishai, Blue
- Abysmal
- Abyssal Wretch
- Aerial Servant
- Airwalker
- Amber Prowler
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Animus
- Cambion
- Cat
- Cat, Tressym
- Cultist
- Dragonspawn, Green
- Egarus Fungus
- Eladrin
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Steam
- Elemental, Water
- Elf, High
- Engine of Pain
- Garradalaigh, Audreena
- Genie, Djinn
- Golem, Brain
- Golem, Stone
- Gremlin, Gremishka
- Imp
- Mephit, Flame
- Mephit, Gravel
- Mephit, Mud
- Ooze, Orange Sludge
- Salamander
- Sorcerer
- Spider, Astral Spinner
- Undine
- Wizard