Magical Monsters

  1. Abishai, Blue
  2. Abysmal
  3. Abyssal Wretch
  4. Aerial Servant
  5. Airwalker
  6. Amber Prowler
  7. Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
  8. Animus
  9. Cambion
  10. Cat
  11. Cat, Tressym
  12. Cultist
  13. Dragonspawn, Green
  14. Egarus Fungus
  15. Eladrin
  16. Elemental, Air
  17. Elemental, Earth
  18. Elemental, Fire
  19. Elemental, Steam
  20. Elemental, Water
  21. Elf, High
  22. Engine of Pain
  23. Garradalaigh, Audreena
  24. Genie, Djinn
  25. Golem, Brain
  26. Golem, Stone
  27. Gremlin, Gremishka
  28. Imp
  29. Mephit, Flame
  30. Mephit, Gravel
  31. Mephit, Mud
  32. Ooze, Orange Sludge
  33. Salamander
  34. Sorcerer
  35. Spider, Astral Spinner
  36. Undine
  37. Wizard