
A monster class for the Harpy, vulture crones from greek mythology. Illustration by me.

Starting Equipment
Your choice of a Sharp Broken Bone, a Conch to emplify your voice, or a Mirror Shard.

Starting Skills (+5)
Your choice of Singing, Trolling, or Petty Gods.

For every Harpy template you have, you can roll for an aditional emotion for your Vile Song.

A: Flutter, Vile Song
B: Shriek
C: Cacophony
D: Fly, Siren!


As long as your inventory is half empty, you can ungracefully fly up to 30’ forward and 20’ upward before needing to land, and you never take fall damage. If you find an updraft, you can lift yourself up to 100’ and glide as fast as you can run for 10 minutes.

Vile Song

Your voice is maddening. Roll one the following emotions and put it in your Psyche. As long as you sing, creatures hearing you that fail a save are consumed by one stored emotion of your choice. If they succeed, their annoyance towards you makes them immune to your songs for a day. The targets must be able to experience that emotion (as interpreted by the referee).

  1. Hunger
  2. Cynicism
  3. Rage
  4. Envy
  5. Hysteria
  6. Doubt
  7. Hubris
  8. Melancholy


You emit an ear-splitting scream that briefly stuns all hearing creatures near you if they fail a save. The noise will attract a random encounter to your location in 1D6 rounds.


You can imbue two emotions to your vile song at the same time.

If you are skilled in Singing, the effects of your Vile Song last 1 hour after you stop singing. If you are skilled in Trolling, you can change the emotions of your Vile Song each round. If you are skilled in Petty Gods, kings and priests cannot resist the effects of your Vile Song.


You can flutter even when your inventory is full, and when it is half empty, you can freely fly.


You add the vilest and most dangerous emotion to your repertoire : Loving you.