Summon Party

D: [sum] hours

Brings [sum] people to a given location at a time of your choice, with the specific and general purpose of having a good time and getting to know each other. The summoned people will be from within [dice] hexes away and they must have access to the location. While this spell does seem to be merely the result of popularity and coincidence, it is an actual magical effect. When cast, pick [dice] of the following, and roll one at random:

  1. They arrive in minutes, if not seconds.
  2. Everyone brings enough food and booze for everyone else.
  3. They come armed and potentially armoured.
  4. They arrive on entirely unsuitable means of transport, potentially the infamous flying Booze Boat of Captain Joe of the 77nd [sic] Beer Battalion, the original Beeromancer.
  5. You can specifically invite [dice] people by name, they’ll be there no matter what, so long as they are within [dice] hexes. Don’t invite dead people, it’s just not worth it.
  6. Their raucous cacophony is guaranteed to bring the local authorities within 2D6 rounds, wherever you are.
  7. Local humanoids will wander in and, after having a great time, think the party members are awesome.
  8. BYOP - Bring Your Own Potions!
  9. The Party is a pool party, and you weren’t informed. Luckily, they brought their own water.
  10. The Party sends a representative of the Central Committee to give you your next set of nonsensical orders
  11. Half the party is partly imaginary, and will forget anything negative that they experience during the party.
  12. A surprise guest will join the party halfway through! They will be famous, supernatural or just incredibly fun, potentially all three.
alcohol + explosion
From Meandering Banter’s Beeromancer
Written on November 13, 2020